St.George Electricals (electricalworks)
St.George Electricals started their journey in electrical and plumbing services for more than 35 years.We have our services in electrical,plumbing,lighting, arrester,HT panel services,CCTV installations etc.We do whole house hold works and are also efficient in doing home security systems like CCTV,ip camera installation etc.visit our site: electricalworks.co.in for more details
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St.George Electricals started their journey in electrical and plumbing services for more than 35 years.We have our services in electrical,plumbing,lighting, arrester,HT panel services,CCTV installations etc.We do whole house hold works and are also efficient in doing home security systems like CCTV,ip camera installation etc.visit our site: electricalworks.co.in for more details

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